Lord of the Flies

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Who or what is the main conflict between? Please explain the type of conflict and give specific examples from the book. You may use page numbers or include quotes-the more you use the better your answer will be.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


At this point, what do you think the shell symbolizes as well as the signal fire that they start? Please elaborate if you have any ideas-if you know the ending-DON'T SHARE!

Compare the characters to someone from today

You have read the first 2 chapters of the book by now and have been introduced to several of the characters. Write a brief description of some of the stand-outs (Ralph, Piggy, Jack and the littluns) Please compare them to any modern characters that you know of-people in movies, TV shows, etc.

Link to website

Like the last blog, please visit the link below and let "Vera" take you on an adventure of what England was like for children during WWII. This is what the boys in Lord of the Flies were dealing with before they got to the island. While you are interacting think about at least 1o differences between life during WWII and life today. Once you have gone through the ENTIRE site, list 10 differences-be sure to include information on their home, rationing, their letters and even something you learned in the research room.